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TMT Marine Growth Covers
Is hard or soft marine growth preventing access to your subsea Xmas tree ISO / API reaction bucket and hot stab interfaces for ROV’s or divers? Are you interested in a cost-effective way to reduce rig and vessel time by eliminating the need for many hours of high pressure water blasting, rotary brushing or acid pre-soaking? Is reducing risk due to marine growth on your subsea assets important to your project? Then read on to see how Total Marine Technology (TMT) can help:

Offshore Oil & Gas operators managing their subsea assets are aware that to get the best return on investment, offshore support vessel time has to be reduced – saving money and reducing carbon footprints.
A subsea project engineer who has identified and developed a required work scope such as a work over or abandonment project requires access to the subsea Xmas tree intervention interfaces.
The offshore support vessel is booked and subsea intervention tooling is identified, manufactured, tested and mobilised to site. The crew has joined the vessel and now for every hour of every day the project costs are mounting up!
Imagine the total frustration of the project engineer when the ROV crew reports that several 12 hour shifts of high pressure water blasting, rotary brushing and in some cases sulphamic / acid presoaking are required to gain access. The once pristine Xmas tree ISO / API reaction bucket and hot stab interfaces are completely encased in a variety of hard calcareous and soft marine growth.
Our many years as an ROV operations company has given us a good understanding of the problems our clients are facing and so we went about identifying and developing a reliable cost-effective solution.
Our experienced engineers designed and built an extensive range of ROV-deployable Marine Growth Covers (MGCs) at our Australian offices, using robust, lightweight and durable materials. The TMT Marine Growth Covers are easy to install and provide an economic way to protect subsea receptacles from biofouling, corrosion and inorganic deposits by stopping nutrient rich water flow. Marine growth is prevalent in North West Australia and other equatorial fields – our MGC’s effectively starve the growth of the micro-organisms that feed off them, keeping the ROV interfaces clear. TMT’s MGC designs have been industry assessed and now in use in many fields in Australian and South East Asian waters.
TMT’s range of standard MGCs includes Class 1 –5, ISO Linear Types A and B, and Type B Hot Stabs; while our customised range includes Tronic EFL, FLX, Siamese Class 1 –4, Tubing Head Spool, Low Torque Interface, Vetco Bucket and VetcoGray Type 72A.
Want to learn more?
Follow the link to our marine growth covers presentation.