About Us
People, Technology and Unique Systems
With over 20 years experience in building and operating systems in the harsh subsea environment, Total Marine Technology has cultivated skilled personnel and robust technologies.
Remotely Operated Vehicles
Our Roots
Total Marine Technology (TMT) has been in the marine industry since 1999, manufacturing robust and reliable Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and subsea intervention tooling.
TMT grew from a vision that challenged the international conventions regarding ROV technology. Previously the centres of excellence had been Europe and America. The founders of TMT believed a world-class ROV design, manufacture, and operations facility could be established in Perth, Western Australia, and be successful.
The journey from vision to reality required dedication to engineering excellence and consistent innovation in product design and development. Achievements including the deepest commercial ROV dive in Australia and the world’s smallest underwater Electric Torque Tool maintain TMT’s commitment to push boundaries and challenge conventions.
Our Core
We have continued to engineer and manufacture ROVs over the years, and in the process, attracted people who passionately contribute to the ongoing success of our products and services.
The team currently exceeds 120 personnel, from 25 different cultural groups and countries, all involved with the design, engineering, manufacturing and operating great products worldwide.
TMT is unique – we are the only manufacturer of Work Class ROVs in Australia. To back this up we have a number of patents and industry awards that recognise our excellence in engineering, design and manufacturing.

Manufacturing Remote Intervention Systems
Our Future
As we look to the future, TMT continues to extend our capabilities to bespoke solutions for clients in various industries.
We specialise in building systems that remove people from dangerous environments, leveraging off our experience with remote intervention systems subsea.
Our patented designs have stood the test of time.
Our diversity continues to push the envelope in delivering results for remote technology in harsh environments.
We believe the combination of cultural diversity, engineering excellence and offshore intervention experience allows us to partner with clients to develop innovative solutions that deliver success.
Get In Touch
How can we help?
Let us understand more about the problem you are wanting to solve.